Are you a real expert in the arts of NONSENSE, love wargaming in general (Blood Bowl in particular), and would like to be a regular contributor to the MMN? We might have a spot for you! Tell us what's on your mind... (Contact)

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

Mais actualizacoes...

Ora bem,como ja passou quase um mes desde a ultima entrada neste blog,achei por bem vir aqui actualizar um bocadito as coisas...ate porque ja estou farto de receber mails a perguntar se ainda estou vivo...
Para comecar:

- TackleZoneRadio

It’s been a long dark road, but despite it all, were back for more gruelling punishment. Shawn and Nathan return after more than a few failed GFI Roles to finally touch down another great episode of Tackle Zone Radio!

This episode we discuss:

News – Just where have you been and why do you stink of sloth like stagnation?

Locker Room – In episode 1, the boys had many a tip on how to construct your offence… now we’re back with tips on how to shut your opponent down.

Brilliant Coaching – with so many rules floating about, what are some common House rules and are they a welcome addition to your league?

- TDB CHG BloodBowl VIII
- TDB Chaos Dwarves & Cheerleaders

Ps-daqui para a frente,vou,nao so,falar de BB como tambem de jogos de tabuleiro em geral,por isso nao se admirem se num futuro proximo virem aqui algo como um game report de Zombies ...hehehe.

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