segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Fica aqui este pequeno update para informar que as regras de StreetBowl foram adicionadas a secçao de utilidades.
Informo tambem que as promocoes na Impact chegaram ao fim...
E por hoje é tudo.
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
Roll Jordan Miniatures

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009
ThunderBowl Comics

Este numero 3 é um pouco mais caro que os anteriores...custa,com a figura incluida,15 Dolars Canadianos...que em Euros da algo como 9.60€.Convem dizer que a figura tambem pode ser vendida em separado.
Para mais informacoes,visitem o site em: http://thunderbowlcomics.webs.com/
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
Eurobowl 2009
WHEN: The tournament will take place on November 7th and 8th.
WHERE: Eurobowl will be held at Admiral Park Hotel. (www.admiralparkhotel.com). The place is 20 minutes drive far from Bologna airport Marconi and 30 minutes far from Bologna city centre. The address is: Admiral Park Hotel - Via Fontanella 3 - Zola Predosa – (Bologna) To getting there, the hotel has a shuttle which can bring you from the airport to the venue for 25 euros (29 euros if the journey is between 22.00 and 6.00). The shuttle has 8 places, so it’s about 3 euros each person. Just tell me if you want the shuttle to take you to the venue.
RULES: Team tournament. 8 people for each team. Maximum 2 freebooters for each team. 8 different races for each team. In case of odd teams, there will be a freebooter team like last years. We’ll give priority to foreign coaches for the freebooter team. We’ll use the rulebook which will be the official one at September 15th. In case of LRB 5, it will be possible to play: Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact. TR 110 with no inducements Matches: 6 rounds, resurrection Rounds: Swiss system for teams and Swiss system for players Skill progression: after rounds 1, 2, 4, 5 it will be possible to give a normal skill to a player. After round 3 it will be possible to give a “double” skill to a player. Maximum 1 skill to a single player. You can pick skill after you’ve seen who you will play against. Scoring: each victory is 1 point, each draw is 0.5 points, each loss is 0 points. Team scoring will be made adding up single player scores plus the “Team Bonus”. Team bonus consists in 1 additional point in case of team victory, 0.5 points in case of team draw and 0 points in case of team loss. For example if Ireland beats Sweden 5-3, Ireland will get 6 points (5 for single results + 1 for team bonus) and Sweden will get 3. If Ireland draws 4-4 against Sweden, both teams will get 4.5 points (4 for single results and 0.5 for team bonus)
TIMETABLE: Saturday: Round 1: 10:00- 12:30 Lunch: 12:30 -14:30 Round 2: 14:30- 17:00 Round 3: 17:00-19:30 Dinner: 20:30 - 22:00 Sunday: Round 4: 09:30 - 12:00 Lunch:12:00 - 14:00 Round 5: 14:00 - 16:30 Round 6: 16:30 - 19:00 Prizes Awards: 19:00 - 20:00
ACCOMODATION AND PRICE We get a closed price for the weekend, depending on when you’ll arrive and when you’ll leave. For those who will come on Friday and leave on Monday, the price is 185 euros, including: tournament, accommodation for 3 nights, dinners (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), lunches (Saturday and Sunday), breakfasts (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) For those who will come on Friday and leave on Sunday, the price is 135 euros, including: tournament, accommodation for 2 nights, dinners (Friday, Saturday), lunches (Saturday and Sunday), breakfasts (Saturday, Sunday). For those who will come and not play, please contact me before paying.
PAYMENT AND REGISTRATION Registrations will end on September 15th. From the day after it won’t be possible to make further registrations. The payment can be done via bank transfer. You have to contact me, so I can tell you the bank account.
For any info you can write an e-mail to:
Beppe: giuseppe.viti@gruppohera.it
Farina: gianluca.lazzeri@fastwebnet.it
Team Italia
Saldos na Impact...
Se ja a algum tempo andavam a "namorar" algumas figuras ou equipas da Impact mas nao as podiam comprar por falta de dinheiro...agora é a vossa oportunidade.
Todos os productos produzidos pela Impact estao com um desconto de 25% (o preco ja foi alterado no proprio site para facilitar as contas).
- http://www.impactminiatures.com/
"August 26, 2009
Impact! Freedom Sale!For the first time in 3 1/2 years, Impact! is running product at a discounted price (The price in the store have ALREADY been discounted 25% from normal). Virtually all pewter figures and team deals of figures designed by Impact! are now marked down 25%. This sale will only last until the end of August or we raise 1000 GBP whichever comes first. As soon as one of these points is reached the store prices will return to the normal prices in the store. This goal is the amount that I need to convince my wife that I can run Impact! full time as my new job so its a big event for me to try and reach this point. Thank you in advance for any orders during this limited time sale."
quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009
Custom Dices...
terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009
Bad Luck...

Desde que me levantei foram so preocupaçoes...alem disso quando sai do trabalho e depois de 45 minutos de viagem descobri que....tinha deixado o telemovel no trabalho....ghaaa.
segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009

Spazzfist says:
You Know You´re a Superstitious Blood Bowler When:
....you change dice every time they roll a skull or 1
....you won't say "anything but a one", because that just invites bad luck
....when you have to dodge on the first square of an AG4 player's move - you won't count the first square out loud. Saying one will invite the dice to roll it!
....you lift your feet when driving over train tracks
....you think that when you accidentally knock down a player right before moving them, that it is a bad omen
Bolas....é tao verdadeiro.
Agora vou-me mas é deitar,chega de updates por hoje.
BloodBowl Pitches

2-Type Pitch
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
Triple Pow´s
Ah...e nao,nao sou eu =)
Feudal Football

The Plotline of Feudball
Inspired by movies such as 'The Longest Yard', 'Mean Machine', 'Salute of the Jugger' and 'Rollerball', the Feudball Novel, set in an alternate world, is written around a variety of characters the average fantasy reader can easily relate to. Using gritty detail and realism combined with wry humor, the tale takes place in the dawn of the industrial era with steam powered machinery beginning to be developed. The main role is a prisoner who ends up in a gaol that subsequently forms a Feudball team. The team of prisoners successfully play their way to the country's best tournament.
Plot synopsisOur “hero” is Alexander Bathgate, a frustrated accountant, who decides to spice up his dull life with some creative bookkeeping. He was caught by his employer in a tax audit, and promptly jailed and convicted of “stealing the King's income”. While being transferred to a maximum security facility, the transport is attacked and captured by pirates. Alex is spared the long walk on the short plank, and ends up becoming a general dogsbody aboard the pirate vessel.In his short time as a pirate, he reacquaints himself with an old passion of his – Feudball, albeit in a nautical version known as Sand Brawl. He is recaptured by the Brython navy and is mistaken for a royal prisoner. He is promptly transported to a private Brython prison (Flagstaff gaol) to await payment of a ransom. The other pirates manage to escape without their vessel.The general manager of the Flagstaff gaol is a retired Feudball referee from the mainland who desires to have a Feudball team succeed in the Brython Cup with the purpose of restoring his name. Due to his notoriety, he keeps his former identity a secret until the end of the novel. He coerces the warden of the prison into being a coach, which he does with great reluctance at first, but later gains celebrity status as the head coach and lets the success go to his head.The Feudball team, formed from the prisoner population, and led by the veteran Gordon Tanner (an ex-player convicted of arson & manslaughter,) gains in ability and moves through the local pub league and a regional tournament to participate in the Brython Cup.
The rest of the synopsis would be a spoiler and is not repeated here. If you are interested in publishing rights, please see contact details for further information.
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
Arquivo de BloodBowl

Hoje deixo-vos um site que é talvez o mais completo do mundo no que diz respeito a miniaturas de BB da Games Workshop.
Sempre que precisarem de saber o nome de uma qualquer mini que viram,procurem aqui: BloodBowlMiniaturesArchive
sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009
Dungeon Bowl

Sao daquelas coisas que tenho de ter,principalmente agora que vou construir uma masmorra para poder jogar esta versao de BB.
E assim começa...

- Blood Bowl is a two-player, turn-based board game that typically uses 28 mm miniatures to represent a contest between two teams on a playing field. A board containing a grid overlay represents the field. Using dice, cards, and counters, the players attempt to outscore each other by entering the opponent's end zone with a player who possesses the ball.
The "Blood" in Blood Bowl is represented by the violent actions available to players. Game play is based on a hybrid of American Football, Rugby, and ultra-violent fictional sports events such as Rollerball. Players may attempt to injure or maim the opposition in order to make scoring easier by reducing the number of enemy players on the field.
The player races are drawn from the ranks of fantasy races and have characteristics that reflect the abilities of those races. Elves tend to be agile and good at scoring, while Dwarves and Orcs are more suited to a grinding, physical style of play. Players are also divided up into positions suited to their role on the field, including Throwers, Catchers, and Linemen.
In league play, players gain additional skills and abilities based on their accumulation of experience points. Players face potential injury or even death on the field throughout their careers. Teams improve by the purchase of off-field staff such as cheerleaders, assistant coaches, and apothecaries.
- The Blood Bowl universe has its own fictional background story which establishes the tone and spirit of the game. Additional background exists to describe the demeanor and character of the Blood Bowl players with frequent reference to rule breaking and excessive violence in a lighthearted manner. The over-the-top nature of the game is reflected through the game's mechanics, including the use of stylized secret weapons, the ability for large teammates to throw small teammates down field (even while they possess the ball), as well as in-game effects like fans throwing rocks and injuring players prior to kickoff.
Blood Bowl includes numerous tongue in cheek references to real life products and companies. The deity overseeing Blood Bowl is Nuffle - a pun on the pronunciation of NFL. The game spoofs at least three real-world companies, including McDonald's (McMurty's), Budweiser (Bloodweiser), and Adidas (Orcidas). Many team names in the game's background are spoofs as well such as the Orcland Raiders (Oakland Raiders) and the Darkside Cowboys (Dallas Cowboys). Famous sporting personalities are parodied as well, with the most famous (and oldest) coach in Blood Bowl's background being Tomolandry the Undying (Tom Landry), and one of the most recently added stars being the Ogre thrower, Brick Far'th (Brett Favre).
With the advent of the 3rd edition, Blood Bowl moved closer to the traditional Warhammer Fantasy Battle world by changing the miniatures to look more similar to their Warhammer Fantasy Battle counterparts. Jervis Johnson, designer of the game, has admitted this was not the best direction for the game, and has since stated that the Blood Bowl world is similar to, but definitely not the same as, the Warhammer world.[2] Recent changes to the rules reflect this, and newer miniatures for the game look more sporty in nature.