Are you a real expert in the arts of NONSENSE, love wargaming in general (Blood Bowl in particular), and would like to be a regular contributor to the MMN? We might have a spot for you! Tell us what's on your mind... (Contact)

segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010


So para avisar que estao ca fora mais dois podcast´s de 3DieBlock.

Ficam com os links:

- Videogames & Sidestep

"This episode we break from tradition as, instead of spotlighting a particular team this week, Chance and Pauly spotlight the Blood Bowl video game (recently released for the Xbox and other systems). Following that, we have our long-awaited return to the Rule Book Revealed segment of the show with an examination of the skill Sidestep. Lastly, the guys let you know how the playoffs for the HGC league and the first week of the CHG league went."


-Tom Anders & Slann

"This time around, the guys are joined by Blood Bowl legend, Tom Anders, as he shares a look at recent Blood Bowl history and how he was involved in the creation of this week's Spotlight Team of the Week, the Slann."

Para acabar,e para nao sair do subject podcast,a minha sugestao para hoje vai para o Podcast Jogador Sonhador que,como esta escrito acima,é um podcast acerca de RPG´s.

- Jogador Sonhador-Um podcast sobre RPG´s

Espero que gostem ;)

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