sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013
My last painted mini of 2013
This year, much like it happens every year when we enter in Christmas season, all national TV's changed their program schedules and grid, in order to accommodate more thematic entertainment, including family shows and movies.
One of these movies really caught my attention because we've mentioned the book that inspired it, here in the blog more than once. In fact, not only we've mentioned the book but we've also showed a lovely set of miniatures, representing the main characters of that book (and movie).
By now you've probably guessed I'm talking about Carol & Max.
Well, after watching the movie (again), I felt inspired to get some painting done, and fortunately for me I had just the right pair of minis to get my brush work on.
So here it is my version of Carol & Max painted minis, probably done in a record time since I enjoyed the minis so much that I couldn't bear myself to stop until I had it all done.
Hope you like them too.
Thank you John (Bound For Glory) for making these meaningful lovely figures happen and get available for those of us lucky enough to get a set.
Carol and Max where commissioned by our friend John (aka Bound For Glory), and sculpted by Rykar for The Thursday Night Heros tournament, held in honour of his friend and cousin Mike (co-founder of the club), who was unfortunately killed in Afghanistan.
terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013
Merry Christmas!
May your Christmas be filled with warmth and good cheer!
Wishes from Merry Mayhem News staff to you all!

Merry Christmas!
sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013
Worst miniatures ever made?
Today I've stumbled on a link that lead me to a particular post from Chest of Colors blog, the 25 Worst miniatures ever made?
Truth be told, I haven't ever seen some of the figures in that list and while in my opinion some don't deserve to be in such list at all, there quite a few funny pieces right there for sure.
For what is worth within this "worst miniature" theme, the miniature making process has evolved hugely (sculpting, casting, etc.), and from amateurish easy going garage companies, the business has evolved to what we know today with highly professional production lines, miniature mass production and very big businesses with considerable amounts of money involved.
What I mean with all this rambling is that it might not be all that fair to compare the quality of some miniatures made with a completely different spirit (lets say in the eighties or early), to whatever is done nowadays.
With that out of the way, my vote on that list would go for those plastic GW "Minotaurs" (entry #14), followed very closely behind by Mantic "Darkon Riders" (#24).
What's the deal with dragons with rabbit teeth?
Feel free to share you view on the subject, or just add some link to a particular mini you think it should be on the list, and why!
Truth be told, I haven't ever seen some of the figures in that list and while in my opinion some don't deserve to be in such list at all, there quite a few funny pieces right there for sure.
For what is worth within this "worst miniature" theme, the miniature making process has evolved hugely (sculpting, casting, etc.), and from amateurish easy going garage companies, the business has evolved to what we know today with highly professional production lines, miniature mass production and very big businesses with considerable amounts of money involved.
What I mean with all this rambling is that it might not be all that fair to compare the quality of some miniatures made with a completely different spirit (lets say in the eighties or early), to whatever is done nowadays.
With that out of the way, my vote on that list would go for those plastic GW "Minotaurs" (entry #14), followed very closely behind by Mantic "Darkon Riders" (#24).
What's the deal with dragons with rabbit teeth?
Feel free to share you view on the subject, or just add some link to a particular mini you think it should be on the list, and why!
terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013
NABBO Tea Cup 2013
Another year, another tourney...
Last weekend NABBO League crew gathered for their (so far) yearly tournament.
It's the third year in a row, and so far it has been a whole lot of fun!
As I mentioned in a post about it's first edition (here), while the core of the crew that attends to the tourney are the Blood Bowl League "regulars", every year we manage to have some old league mates to join us in the fun, and what a fantastic opportunity that is to remember old stories of legendary games and teams...
This year's tournament fluff was based on the global climate changes, and to reflect that into Blood Bowl game terms this would mean that despite whatever "Weather Table" result you'd roll during the match, in the beginning of each half, one (out of two) random weather phenomenon would take place and stay in for the rest of that same half.
This weather phenomenon were represented by a template (that stayed on the table), and it had a 'Zone of influence' of a square (center) plus three squares in every direction. The modifiers described below would apply if the action attempted was inside this 'Zone of Influence'.
The two different phenomenons were "Tornado warning!", and "Everything Frozen??".
The first one meant that all Pass, Catch, and Intercept actions were influenced by -1 modifier, and every time a ball was dropped or touched the pitch (for whatever reason), it would bounce one extra square directly away from the center of the Tornado template.
The second phenomenon, would influence the Go-For-It's, and Dodging attempts (by the same -1 modifier) as if the ground was completely frozen, inducing players to slip.
As in past events we had a thematic custom pitch and dice (pic above), which were a great success especially whenever the dice rolls were 'convenient'.
On all other occasions the dice were just 'pretty'... ;-)
The games
A total of eight different races (Amazon, Human, Elf, Dark Elf, High Elf, Norse, Vampire, and Undead), with almost as much different tactical approaches, granted a good challenge for every coach in the event.
Graveyard Diggers (Undead) vs Yokai Buntai (Dark Elves), one of the games from the first round, and the first tie of the tourney (2-2 TD, 1-1 Cas).
Frost's Frost Fangs (Norse) facing the Innsmouth Oceanics (Elf), in a game that proved to be rougher than what the Norse armour could stand, soon leaving them outnumbered and loosing the match unable to hold off the agile elves (0-3 TD, 1-4 Cas).
Garlic 'n Mirrors United (Vampire) overpowering The Buffs (High Elf), in a day that the odds didn't favoured these particular pointy ears (3-1 TD, 1-0 Cas).
The beautifully painted Pink Buccaneers (Amazons) in a tough match against the cyber-looking Mini Skull Crushers (Human), for a marginal win in the last few turns of the game (3-2 TD, 0-0 Cas).
In the end of the day, the Innsmouth Oceanics (Elf), ended up snatching the tournament "Champion" trophy with three wins, of which the last two where very close games: one against the vampires (2-1 TD, 2-4 Cas), and the last one against the amazons (2-1 TD, 1-2 Cas).
Also congrats to the Garlic 'n Mirrors United vampire team for the "Most violent" trophy!
A blast of a day as usual.
Have fun!
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