Are you a real expert in the arts of NONSENSE, love wargaming in general (Blood Bowl in particular), and would like to be a regular contributor to the MMN? We might have a spot for you! Tell us what's on your mind... (Contact)

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

Proxima vitima,

Ah pois é...os nossos amiguinhos da GW estao numa de dar tiros nos pes...agora foi a vez do que para mim era a mais completa libraria de BB.

Fica o post original:

"Got my letter from GW today.

I have to pretty much take down They objected to the domain name and the library of all the old articles that I had on the site for folks to reference.

My bigger issue is that I don't want to take down the MBBL and MBBL2 and I was not asked to do so ... so I need to figure out how to create a new domain and still have those leagues work. My biggest problem is that the PHP running the league has a lot of links to the website itself ... I just hope I can catch them all the changes I need to make.

Unfortantely isn't that great a name and to be honest the whole reason I started was for it to be a library resource and GW now says that is a no go so the whole point of the site is really dead ... really too bad as we just had our 500,000 hit to the site.

The other C&D items I received I can deal with. Some wording changes required on the I can handle.

I need to cancel the link for ... but I expected that one was coming.

I've also been told to not sell engage in commercial Impact! activities at a Blood Bowl tournament. This one I will admit caught me off guard as in 4 1/2 years an owner of Impact! has only ever done this one time and it was at the express invitation of the organizer. So that one is pretty easy to agree with as we didn't do it anyway as part of our business.

So that covers the legal stuff aimed at me.

Anyone who is better at websites than me and has a good idea how to port over the MBBL and MBBL2 to a new home that would be great. I'm going to talk to my webhost and see if they have a way to just move it all to a new domain if I get one.


Se eles em vez de andarem a foder o pessoal que lhes deu dinheiro se preocupassem mais em fazer jogos certeza que estavam muito melhores na vida.

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