Ficam aqui com o post original do GalakStarscraper:
"Below is a list of the 12 items that are CHANGING from LRB 5.0+ Jervis has approved the LRB 6.0 with a caveat (explained below).
While I am not allowed to post the LRB 6.0 as GW wants sole hosting on it. I am allowed to post the changes to LRB 5.0+ so you know exactly what is in LRB 6.0.
LRB 5.0+ was LRB 5.0 with the 2008 Rules Review material added in. The changes you need to make to get LRB 5.0+ to LRB 6.0 is:
1) Flesh Golems on Necro back to LRB 5.0 110k
2) Master Chef for Flings back to LRB 5.0 100k
3) Deeproot to 300k
4) Morg to return to LRB 5.0 430k
5) Glart to 210k
6) Fezglitch to 100k
7) Eldril to 200k
8) Zzharg to 90k
9) Dolfar to 150k
10) Crazy Igor to 120k
11) Bertha Bigfist to 290k
12) Pass Block: A player with this skill is allowed to move up to three squares when the opposing coach announces that one of his players is going to pass the ball (but not a bomb). The opposing coach may not change his mind about passing once Pass Block's use is declared. The move is made out of sequence, after the range has been measured, but before any interception attempts have been made. A player may not make the move unless able to reach a legal destination and may not follow a route that would not allow them to reach a legal destination. A legal destination puts the player in a position to attempt an interception, an empty square that is the target of the pass, or with his tackle zone on the thrower or catcher. The player may not stop moving until he has reached a legal destination, has been held fast by Tentacles or has been Knocked Down. The special move is free, and in no way affects the player’s ability to move in a subsequent action. The move is made using all of the normal rules and skills and the player does have to dodge in order to leave opposing players’ tackle zones. Players with Pass Block may use this skill against a Dump Off pass. If a player performing a Pass Block in their own turn is Knocked Down then this is a turnover, no other players may perform Pass Block moves, and your turn ends as soon as the results of the pass and the block are resolved.
13)Special Play Card clarification: Once you have randomly drawn a card you may conceal the result until played but you may not exchange or trade it in for another card.
14)Revised Riot wording: Riot: The trash talk between two opposing players explodes and rapidly degenerates, involving the rest of the players. If the receiving team’s turn marker is on turn 7 for the half, both teams move their turn marker back one space as the referee resets the clock back to before the fight started. If the receiving team has not yet taken a turn this half the referee lets the clock run on during the fight and both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. Otherwise roll a D6. On a 1-3, both teams’ turn markers are moved forward one space. On a 4-6, both team’s turn markers are moved back one space.
That's it .. the rest of LRB 5.0+ stays as is.
And now the caveat: Games Workshop is concerned about the number of fantasy football miniature companies now showing up in the world. GW has also noted that several of the Star Players do not have official figures. They have agreed to allow them in at this time ... however over the coming weeks (perhaps months) they do NOT want to see discussions (or worse released figures) from other miniatures companies about creating figures to fill in for missing star players. Miniatures released by any company should not be marketed online as being a great figure for such and such BB Star Players. It was made VERY clear today that if GW sees such marketing happening ... they will pull the LRB 6.0 (or modify it before it is officially posted) and remove all star players from the document that do not have an official BB figure effectively deleting the rules for that player from the game (and since LRB 6.0 will be the offical rules for many years to come ... this will be a serious deletion). So not only would this erase all the LRB 6.0 stars added to balance out the game and team's inducements. But many LRB 5.0 stars (Ramtut, Zara, Hemlock, Helmet, Ugroth, Spleenripper, etc. etc) would be deleted from the rulebook as well. I've already written every head of every miniature company I know of and requested that they stay away from anything related to targetting the BB Star Player market. At this point ... I just want to get the LRB 6.0 hosted by GW so we can call this project finished for the good of everyone.
Adoro as ameaças...."ah e tal,eu sei que nos fizemos um jogo muito bom para o qual nem nos preocupamos em fazer as miniaturas que estao em falta,mas se alguem quiser tornar o jogo ainda melhor com miniaturas proprias que possam ser usadas no jogo,nos(literalmente),estragamos o jogo todo de proposito so para verem quem manda...."
Ps-Slann,Underworld e Pact,nao sao oficiais e nao podem ser usadas em torneios GW...ainda bem que se podem utilizar em todos os outros torneios ja que tiveram 100% dos votos por parte do BBRC e da NAF
AHHHHHH....e pra acabar,porque caral*o anda a GW a fazer remakes do Varag,do Griff e do Zug quando 2 dos Star players mais famosos,aparecem no catalogo a mais de um ano,tem os moldes prontos e nunca mais estao a venda?Falo da Zara e do Ramtut.A serio a GW pode vir com cartas muito bonitas,mas sao merdas destas que simplesmente nao tem explicaçao.