"Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Good folks at the Brisbane Area Blood Bowl League would like to invite you to take part in our second fundraising Raffle! You see, to offset the costs of league management I’ve been forced to get creative with some 'Fund Raising'. We did a Raffe last year and it was quite successful, so why not do it all again?
With the help of http://www.impactminiatures.com/ I’ve managed to get my hands on a spare Middle Kingdoms Team team – Valued at AUD$ 85.00 – and I want to give everyone a chance to get in on the action!
Tickets are $1.00 each
$5.00 for 6
$10.00 for 13
Australian Dollars
But Wait It gets Better… One of our best painters has volunteered to paint the team in our League Colours! So you can score your self a fantastic Middle Kingdoms team, fully painted for the Bargain Basement Price of AUD$1.00!!!
Now I know what your thinking… “Fair enough, but if I win... what condition will I get the goods in?” Just to allay your fears and to ensure that the team arrives in Mint Condition, We’ll throw in an Impact Carrying case! - Valued at AUD$ 35.00
That Brings the Prize pool to AUD$ 120.00! Not including the Painting!!!
We’ll run the Draw on September 29th at our League Venue on our last Round before the finals. There, I’ll use a Random Number Generator to determine the winner. (I’ll take some photos or shoot a video so the non league members can see that it’s all above board!)
Critical Info!
1) Raffle tickets numbers will be determined in order of entry and stored on a few spreadsheets – for safety’s sake.
2) Winners outside of Brisbane will be responsible to pay for their own shipping (But since this is a Non Profit exercise, If there is enough interest we could maybe help lessen cost)
3) Entrants will be e-mailed confirmation of ticket number(s) upon receipt of funds
4) Payment in Australian Dollers only please – Cash in Hand or by PayPal
5) The Raffle in Non Profit – all proceeds go toward BABBL admin costs with the intention of making future seasons free of fees.
PM me with your interest (title it BABBL Raffle) and I’ll notify you of my PayPal account. Please include your name and e-mail, I'll get your address if you are the lucky winner!"

Fotos de alguns dos elementos da equipa.
Se nao tiverem conta no TBB e nao quiserem abrir,podem-me sempre contactar pro mail ou entao pelo mail da BABBL... brisbane@bloodbowlleague.com
Boa Sorte
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