Hoje quero-vos deixar a TackleZone Radio...um dos poucos podcast de BB que conheco.
Aqui ficam algumas palavras dos criadores:
Tackle Zone Radio is a dedicated Blood Bowl Podcast that is determined to give the Blood Bowl Community a Voice. Your hosts, Shawn and Matthew, strive to make Tackle Zone Radio 'Your Source for Blood Bowl Tips, Tactics and Hobby Craft'. That means that they want you to help Drive the direction of the show. Matthew and Shawn want you to give them feedback; Ask questions, Send Pictures, Give advice... Whatever you want to share with the Blood Bowl World, they wish to deliver.
Shawn and Matthew have some great ideas for recurring segments including Roster Dissection, Beginner and Advanced Advice, Hobby Spotlight and also our Coaches Corner. They plan to do some Interviews, some Round Table discussions and of course a Mail Bag segment, so that they can get you all involved as well! They plan to include every aspect of Blood Bowl Today... from the Table top games to the Tournament scene. From the Games Workshop Miniatures to the Scratch Built Pictures and Teams. From the New Computer Game to the all important Blood Bowl Utopia, League Play! Tackle Zone Radio plans to help show how all these elements come together to make Blood Bowl the sport of Kings!!!
The Broadcast Schedule will run fortnightly and each episode will run for roughly an hour. You will be able to find the show at http://www.tacklezoneradio.com/ or search for it on Twitter and Facebook. You can e-mail Matt and/or Shawn on tacklezoneradio@gmail.com for a more personal response and of course you can subscribe to the show on Apple iTunes, and leaving the show a positive review there will increase the exposure of the show and expand the audience.
The first Episode is due to be released within the next fortnight, but the boys have decided to broadcast the Pilot recording. It's very Raw and the Lads have learned a lot about Podcasting from the professionals. Shawn and Matthew thought it might be worth a laugh to have the "Virgin Effort" to be put to air. Your Hosts stumble through the origins of the game, fascinate you with their history as Blood Bowlers and announce exactly what you can expect when listening to Tackle Zone Radio. This is their First Recording and Shawn's first time in front of a Microphone but it is still a very strong first step. It doesn't contain the polish that Tackle Zone Radio intends to deliver from fortnight to fortnight, but everyone thought that you may be interested in hearing the humble beginnings.
So Join Tackle Zone Radio for a run around the pitch and help bring Blood Bowl to the community in a whole new way!
Thanks and Speak to you soon
Shawn (bouf) & Matthew (Scalpifig)
Fica o Link: TackleZone Radio
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