Are you a real expert in the arts of NONSENSE, love wargaming in general (Blood Bowl in particular), and would like to be a regular contributor to the MMN? We might have a spot for you! Tell us what's on your mind... (Contact)

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012

Welcome Nazgob...

Yeah dude...Welcome to the Merry Mayhem News Crew...

After long chats through Facebook,Nazgob finally told me that he wanted to be a part of the crew.He told me that his life was becoming a little boring and,he wanted to enjoy the pleasures (mainly girls and booze) of being a Mega Star.

Since im such a cool guy,i´ve talked with the other (cool) guys and,we´ve decided that we were going to accept Nazgob in our little den of the 1000 corpses....thats what we call to the secret room in which we play Blood Bowl by the way....yes....we do have a secret room...but its not a den...

So,brother Nazgob,here´s a taste of the privileges you´ve won by entering our brotherhood...yes....we are a brotherwood...with a secret den...or room...but its still secret.


The truth is,Nazgob has a cool blog (click HERE),he painted some cool teams,he´s a Blood Bowl fanatic like the rest of us and,most important,he seems like a great guy...and for me,thats to the crew mate,i hope you enjoy it and please feel free to contact the other MMN members because they are great guys too.

4 comentários:

Nazgob disse...

Glad to be here! I'm working on my first blog and it'll be up soon.

Paul O'G disse...

Awesome! looking forward to see more of your cool stuff Nazgob!

Axtklinge disse...

Hi and welcome aboard Nazgob!
Glad to have you with us!
Feel free to 'double post' in your blog and here if you feel it fits the MMN!

Tristan M disse...

Welcome dude, hope we get some NAFWC reports!